Glass Engineering & Contracting, division of Colorobbia Consulting S.r.l., is a provider of services aimed at the successful completion of new investment projects
Our organization knows, address and resolves the specific problems of industrial investment projects. Too many investment projects are hit by poor results, mainly following time delays and costs overruns. The final cost and damage is in many cases far higher than a simple financial loss.
Counting on our HIGHLY SPECIFIC COMPETENCE, we offer a WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES to Customers willing to ensure the success of their projects. We assist them in ALL THE PHASES OF A NEW INVESTMENT, from planning to commissioning, and ensure proper execution, respect of time schedules and respect of budgets.
With our support, our Clients can OBTAIN MORE VALUE FROM THEIR PROJECTS.
We are part of the Gruppo Colorobbia, an important player in the world of ceramic and industrial glass.
We have know-how, resources and experiences and we are specialized in the Glass production, the industry where most of our professionals have developed their careers.
We also rely on important partnerships with companies specialized in this field such as Falorni Gianfranco Srl.